Monday, May 29, 2023

Top 10 UTME Candidates To Get MTN Scholarships Science and Technology + Blind Students

MTN Scholarships for Top 10 UTME candidates; A recent addition since 2020, every year the top 10 scoring candidates of UTME as announced by JAMB, automatically qualify for the top 10 UTME scholarship. The successful candidates are awarded scholarships worth N200,000.00 from their 100 level through to graduation if they maintain the required grades.

Value of Award: N200,000 annually

Number of Awards: 10

Eligibility: Must be among the top 10 scoring candidates of UTME as announced by JAMB in 2023

There's no need to apply for this scholarship because it is automatically applied to the successful candidates. You can read more or see MTN scholarships you can apply for at this link; 

MTN Science and Technology Scholarships, 2023;

Application Deadline: June 18, 2023

#Top10, #UTME, #Candidates, #MTN, #Scholarships, #Gani #Fawehinmi, #Scholarship  #Annual,  #awards, #Applications, #students, #tertiary, #institutions, #Nigeria #2023, #GaniFawehinmi #AnnualScholarshipAwards,