Tuesday, November 27, 2018


THINKATION 2019 is an event put together by the Ubong King Foundation to speak to young Nigerians to come out of their dependency mindset and take on a productive mindset. It is set to influence the hungry minds in this generation to reposition themselves and get truly productive.

This year we are helping young minds step out of whatever limitation they have been boxed in to take their world by storm. Get ready because the ride may be bumpy but it will nevertheless be exhilarating, fulfilling and totally worth it!

THINKATION is the merger of THINKING + EDUCATION. We believe that thinking is the missing component in our young minds.

This second conference has been themed OUT OF THE BOX. It will be 7 high powered presentations as well as a panel discussion, all from an experiential point of view to help you learn how to live an exponential life.


NB: In the Referral Box, kindly put yemmymacclean@gmail.com

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