Tuesday, March 2, 2010

“The Affiliate Conspiracy” and AdWords

More Information about Eric Rockefeller’s “The Affiliate Conspiracy” and AdWords

Make every day the day you decide to learn something new. I’ve quickly learned that is one thing that Eric Rockefeller and I have in common. With the ever-changing world of affiliate marketing, campaigns, and AdWords, learning something new is never the problem; it is learning something that is actually useful that proves problematic.

The day is rapidly approaching when we learn if Eric Rockefeller’s “The Affiliate Conspiracy” is really all that it is cracked up to be or not. From what we have seen, though, all signs point to a solid yes.

Even before the release of “The Affiliate Conspiracy,” we know that this series is different than anything else we have seen in the world of affiliate marketing. Eric Rockefeller shows step-by-step images of his personal campaigns so that you can earn the same results. Keep it simple and keep it real; it does not get any better than that.

These campaigns will display three different niche markets so everyone gets a little of something that they can use and enjoy. Although, using all three examples at the same time is not a bad idea either.

AdWords are Google’s way of placing keyword sensitive ads that you create to pull people to your website. Those consumers are then more likely to find out more about your or purchase something from your site. In theory, AdWords can only help your business. Too bad it’s just a theory.

As we all know, AdWords only work if you know the proper techniques to get Google to pick your add for display. Never fear, with Eric’s AdWords copywriting techniques, you get essential information that will help you get real results. Your ads will easily appear all over Google with any search close to your keywords.

The only thing more exciting than the release of “The Affiliate Conspiracy” is getting the opportunity to put it all into action. From what we were promised, this is not about getting what you want; it is about getting what you deserve.

Check back soon to find out what I really think of “The Affiliate Conspiracy” and all of the glory that it promises internet marketers like you and me. We will quickly see if these tools he uses for his affiliate marketing only work for him or if they can be applied to anyone who wanted to give it a chance.



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