Monday, May 20, 2019

MAY 2019: Jobs & Opportunities

- The Microsoft Africa Development Centre is seeking local engineering talent to build world-class solutions in AI, Machine Learning, and Mixed Reality, and will be hiring up to 500 local engineers to staff the ADC. If you would like to be a part of the initiative, head over here.

- Apollo is looking to hiring for a Developer Advocate and a Documentation Lead. If you'd like to be Apollo's Avocado or Scribe, go ahead and take the shot.

- e-Worker is hiring to fill the role of an Agile Software Project Manager. If this position interests you, send your resume to emmanuel[at]eworker[dot]co.

- GitLab is hiring Front-End Engineers.
   CLICK HERE learn more and apply.

- Join Andela as a Software Engineer or a Senior Software Engineer.

- Stears Business, a reputable online publication, is looking to hire a Full-stack developer. Check out the requirements and apply here.


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