Thursday, July 12, 2018

FREE Artificial Intelligence Summer School for JSS1-3

Help your child, cousin, niece and nephew, little friend or colleagues/neighbours’ kids  etc in JSS 1-3 or Grades 7-9) join the No 1 career in the world today by attending 5-day FREE Artificial Intelligence Summer School.  

Data Science Nigeria programme module is built using the Australian & China Junior School Artificial Intelligence module merged with Basic Machine Learning & Python programming introduction.

Our curriculum is informed by the great work of Prof Michael Milford, a Professor of Robotics in Australia who published the book, The Complete Guide to Artificial Intelligence for Kids, (

This is perfectly enriched with the latest China Artificial Intelligence for secondary school (

This programme will accept 60 students who will enjoy one-year post-class activities/follow-up learning support. Our approach is no a flash-in-the-pan model and it is beyond holiday coaching. 
We provide post-class regular assignments and expert engagement for each cohort after the 5-day class for a period of one year with face-to-face meeting during holidays (2-3 days during December, Easter and July holidays).

This  bootcamp is for the best of the best with follow-up assignments. The students must have an access to a computer for sustained learning with the support of the parents to submit assignment via email.

There are two study clusters, with each accepting 30 students maximum and this will be based on their current academic performance in ICT, Mathematics and Science.

NB: 10 of the seats are already reserved for our host community, the University of Lagos staff’s children on competitive selection basis.

To book your child, please click

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